After the previous 2 super successes of MILLENIUM UPDATE INDO-EGYPT WORKSHOP on IVF and exclusive gynec HANDS ON hystero and laparoscopic Training, program, this year, the Nadkarni Shawki Academy is coming up with MILLENIUM UPDATE INDO EGYPT "HANDS ON WORKSHOP 2023. Exclusively designed for surgeons and gynecologists,. We know how difficult it is for fresh graduates and gynecologists to learn this new technique and we shall offer our best & to see to it, you go back with the perfect knowledge and expertise.
Dr. Osama Shawki, who has been instrumental in initiating this Program, Shall be the Course Coordinator and Director for this Programme. This would be the third of its kind after the successful 2 edition with 12 Egyption and 30 Indians with 100+ Surgeries. Also with 120+ IVF cases under the leadership of Late Dr. Purnima Nadkarni.
We invite the Surgeons and Gynecologists, to come forward to join this mega Hands-on Workshop in Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and IVF. Event and take the experience of this state of the art training centre, known for IVF. & hystero and laparoscopy programs.
It's here !! Like never before live hands on gynec endoscopy Workshop - Dr. Osama Shawki and Dr. Akshay Nadkarni to teach Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy on patients -10 days. 70 plus surgeries, And a perfect infotainment package awaits u this winter in Vapi. Gujarat, India 4 cases per head, 2 complete TLH, 2 diagnostic Hystro Lap. 1 Hysteroscopy each