Know Your Trainers


Dr. Kishore Nadkarni


Dr. Aditi Nadkarni

Gynaecologist & IVF Specialist

Dr. Vaibhav Nadkarni

Gynaecologist & IVF Specialist

Dr. Jigna Garasia

Obstetrics and Gynecology & IVF Specialist

3 months Advance Infertility & ART Training

3 Months of Fellowship Program

Who can benefit from this course?

This course caters to gynecologists or infertility and IVF practitioners.

Course Overview


Here you will have hands-on experience with:-

a. Sperm Counting.

b. Semen processing for IUI/IVF/ICSI/retrieved sperm.

c. Hands-on IUI.

d. Cryopreservation of Sperm & Embryo & Eggs.

e. Thawing-Sperm Banking.

2. Embryology-IVF

a. You will be trained for selecting an Ideal Protocol.

b. Hands-on experience with Ovum pickup.

c. Trained to identify OCC.

d. Experience to handle unfertile Embryos.

e. How to do ET, Embryo loading experience, Freezing, Thawing & Vitrification Process.

3. USG-Infertility related USG

a. Ovulation

b. COH Monitoring

c. Color Doppler

d. Pulse Doppler Studying

e. Early pregnancy

f. Targetted USG

g. Growth Scan

h. Color Doppler in Obs

i. Role of 3D/ 4D Obs

j. Role of Doppler in Infertility

k. Ultrasound in Obs.


Gyn will be trained with hands-on experience.

4. Endoscopy- Diagnostic + Operative

You will be assisting and learning yourself on patients as well as pelvi trainer.

5. OPD

a. How to take a history.

b. Which investigations and why.

c. How to convince patients for IVF/ICSI.

d. Cost-effective IVF.

e. Counseling in failed cases.

6. Others

PGD, PGS, Assisted Hatching, Cryofreezing of Embryos, Thawing, PESA, and TESE procedures will be demonstrated.


For registration

Check out the registration process

Register Process
Contact Details

Ms. Heena Parekh

+91 6352832519

(9:30 AM to 4:30 PM)

(Monday to Saturday)

Crash Course

Exclusive Hands-on Workshop

Every January & July
